Tour Assistants Training από την FIM-Europe, 15 εως 17 Αυγ. 2024

Η εκπαίδευση & πιστοποίηση των Βοηθών Μοτοσυκλετιστικού Τουρισμού της FIM-Europe, θα γίνει φέτος από 15 εως και 17 Αυγούστου στο Ινστιτούτο Οδικής Ασφάλειας της HONDA στην Κωνσταντινούπολη.
Για πρώτη φορά φέτος η εκπαίδευση θα είναι τριήμερη, περιλαμβάνοντας ολόκληρη ημέρα τεχνικής εκπαίδευσης στην πίστα καθώς και βόλτα αξιολόγησης με εναλλαγή ρόλων, 200 περίπου χιλιομέτρων, από την πίστα έως την Μαύρη θάλασσα.
Όσοι ενδιαφέρεστε είτε για απόκτηση του πτυχίου T/As είτε για την ανανέωση του πτυχίου σας, διαβάστε παρακάτω και κινηθείτε έγκαιρα καθώς φέτος θα γίνουν δεκτοί μόνον 12 υποψήφιοι απ’ όλη την Ευρώπη.

Ακολουθεί το πλήρες κείμενο της ανακοίνωσης, πρόγραμμα, οδηγίες κλπ

T/As Training program 2024

Dates: 15-17/08/2024

Place: Istanbul – Turkey (HONDA SAFETY INSTITUTE)

Thursday 15/08

⚫ Arrivals until 15.00h

⚫ 16.00h: Theoretical classes in the evening (16.00-20.30h) at the hotel conference room (Days Hotel by Wyndham

⚫ 20.45h End of day’s training


Friday 16/08

⚫ Transfer or ride to the Honda Safety Training Facilities (5km away) – Full day training at the Honda facility – The Honda Safety training includes theory on safety and equipment and ON and OFF road riding.

Warm-up, Motorcycle Safety Check, Agility test, Cornering & Engine brake, Low Speed Manoeuvring, Balance, Braking, Counter-steer. The Training Centre will provide the motorcycles & all the necessary riding gear for the training in the facilities.

⚫ Two 15 min brakes and between them a lunch break (provided – 13.30h to 14.15h)

⚫ 19.00h – 20.30h: Briefing of next day’s program, itinerary and route “role play”.

⚫ 20.45h End of days training

Saturday 17/08

⚫ 09.00h Evaluation Ride-out to Sile – Agva and return (about 190 km)

⚫ 15.30 – 17.00: FIRST AID TRAINING 18.30 – 20.00: Debriefing, corrections, awards.

Dinner at hotel (cost covered by the participants)

Sunday 18/08

⚫ Breakfast – Goodbye

FIM Europe will cover all costs of this Course, training bikes & riding gear (on and off road), during the training day for all participants, who will be requested to pay only a fee of €.50,00 if coming from the European Federations affiliated to FIM Europe or a fee of €.150,00 if coming from other organizations. The payment must be made in cash, on site, to our instructor.

Honda will provide the safety riding gear for the course.

All participants must have their own FULL riding gear for the Saturday Evaluation Ride.


Of course, all other costs of travel, accommodation & meals, as well as any others not explicitly hereby mentioned, will be at charge of each participant.



Honda will provide the local transfers of all participants from\to the Honda Safety Institute for the people who do not have the own bike.

The transfer will leave, on Friday 16th August from DAYS HOTEL By WYNDHAM ISTANBUL MALTEPE.

The exact time of the transfer will be communicated to the accepted candidates the day before.

At the end of the Course, it will be organized also the transfer back from the Honda Safety Institute to the same hotel.

(Of course the participants are not obliged to book their rooms at this hotel. It represents only the meeting point for the transfers).

At the DAYS Hotel By Wyndham Istanbul Maltepe will be held also the theoretical part of the course – Thursday 15th August (16.00-20.00).


Gulsuyu Mahallesi E 5 Yan yol Maltepe,

Istanbul, Turkey 34848


Standard Room with City View 100.-€ 115.-€
  • The prices stated aboveare per room andinclude breakfast and exclude 12% VAT.
  • Any changes that may occur in the VAT rate will be reflected to you.



Please contact: Mrs. Gizem COŞKUN  e-mail providing the following information:

  • FIM-Europe Group
  • Name – Surname
  • I.D. or Passport Number
  • Type of room
  • Dates in-out



On successful completion of the Moto-Tour Assistant Training Course, the participants will receive a diploma, certifying that they are entitled to provide Moto-Tour Assistant Services.

On the FIM Europe website will be also published the list of all participants having got the aforesaid certificate.



  • Seminar Language – ENGLISH
  • For the participants that will fly to Istanbul, courtesy motorcycles will be provided for the Saturday ride-out at the extra cost of 40 € (for the insurance) + fuel. Participants who ride to Istanbul will use their own motorcycles.
  • Participants who will fly to Istanbul are advised to check out the airport of their arrival. There are two international airports in Istanbul, the Istanbul International Airport (IST) and the Sabiha Gökçen (SAW). The Hotel & Training facilities are very near SAW airport. Those using the IST airport are advised to check the shuttle-bus timetables between the two airports, take the shuttle service to SAW and then a TAXI to the Hotel.
  • Travel and accommodation costs are born by the participants. Participants make their own hotel arrangements, however it is advisable to prefer the above mentioned hotel or some dwelling very close to it.
  • All participants must have their own FULL riding gear for the Saturday Evaluation Ride.
  • T/As Training participation cost is 50 € for FIM-Europe affiliated FMNs, 150 € for non-affiliated.



In order to be entitled to attend the 4th FIM Europe Moto-Tour Assistant Training Course, you are kindly requested to fill in the enclosed check-list and to mail it accompanied by a photograph that you wish to be publicized in the T/As page, to:

The deadline indicated on the checklist is the 20th JULY.

 The check-lists will be evaluated by the FIM Europe Touring Commission and, immediately afterwards, we will answer to all Candidates, in order to inform if they have been accepted. The training course will foresee a maximum of 12 participants.

  • Please send your application form as soon as possible as the participants number is limited to 12.